I have absolutely loved being pregnant. Save for the last few weeks, I have enjoyed pregnancy to the fullest and am a (little) sad that this 9 month journey is about to come to an end!
My favorite things about pregnancy:
* Feeling her kick (and lately, watching her kick)
* seeing her on the sonogram- I wish we had an ultrasound machine so I could watch her everyday.
* telling our friends and family we were pregnant.
* taking long baths and talking to Danny about how much our lives are going to change once grace is here.
* setting up her nursery
* baby showers!!!
* going shopping for pink things with ruffles on the bottom and matching bows
* feeling such a sense of community with other women. I am going to miss walking into a public restroom and having conversation with perfect strangers about their pregnancy and labor stories.
* secret fit maternity pants. they have played a large part in the comfort of my pregnancy
* being able to take naps and not feel guilty.
* being able to eat ice cream and not feel guilty.
My Least Favorite things...
* the morning sickness and cramping. I am so lucky it only lasted about 8 weeks.
* insomnia. I cannot get more than a few hours of sleep at a time and they usually end up between the hours of 2 and 5. I am sure God is getting me ready for the nighttime feedings.
* the last two weeks. I spend most of the day trying to keep my mind off the fact that my stomach feels like it is going to pop, there is a bowling ball weighing down on my bladder, and I am exhausted from all the non-sleep
* I have not enjoyed food as much since I've been pregnant. Especially in the last two months, it seems like a fruit smoothie or a piece of toast is enough to make me feel like I have had a 5 course meal. there just isn't much room in there!
* waddling
* shaving my legs. not that I ever enjoyed it before, but man, it is a tough task these days