Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tummy time

I have heard several moms talk about tummy time and my aunt gave me a 20 minute dissertation on the importance of tummy time to Grace's development. Being the concerned mother that I am, I put Grace on her stomach at least once a day. Guess what? She HATES it. She starts growling, grunting, and gets so frustrated. My aunt said this is normal and good for her, so even though I want to pick her up, I don't. It is hard to watch her while she cries, but I deal with it. It's not until she starts wailing, screaming, and crying so hard that her face turns red and she can't breathe that I think maybe tummy time isn't so great for her development. Seriously, am I supposed to just let her scream and get mad?
Yesterday, during a particularly good tummy time session, she started crying, but gave up five minutes later. So what if my child ends up a little behind in her development? She already has her daddy's laid back attitude and a bit of her mama's rebellion. I think she's perfect! I love the progression of these pics.


Vicki said...

Brooke hated tummy time at first too, and when I could not take it anymore I started laying on my back and letting her lay on her tummy on mine....after about a week of rotating her from mine or Steven's tummies to the floor she no longer fussed about it at all....might not work for you, but then again it might! You are doing a great job either way.... ;o)

kristen lewis said...

We hate tummy time too. Funny how I don't force the issue with Evyn the way that I did with Carter. So what if she rolls over a month later. It all goes so fast anyway! Plus I hate lying on my tummy on the hard ground too. How can that be comfortable?

Alisa Palmer said...

the progression makes me laugh so hard. it's like sheer exhaustion like, "FINE I'll LAY here if that's what you WANT"

Valencias said...

Scott didn't like tummy time at first either. After a while though it became his favorite position. He now sleeps on his tummy with his butt in the air.

jarcarhar said...

I am laughing so hard right girl!

Anonymous said...

Now that she's a lot older than when you wrote this post, she may not have a hate/hate relationship with her tummy time. But...if she still does, here's some good practical advice that a friend of mine who is a physical therapist gave me. See, I had the EXACT thing happen with Anners, she hated it and would scream and scream. I thought I had to leave her on her tummy the entire 10 minutes no matter what or it didn't count. Emily came over and showed me the correct way to do it and since she does this when she works with underdeveloped infants, I trust her. Basically she showed us that 1) we needed to get down there with her and really try to get her to look at a toy so she can develop her neck, learn to coordinate reaching...all that stuff. 2) when she starts fussing give her a minute and if she doesn't stop to pick her up. This gives her a break and kind of rewards her. She said wearing her out by letting her cry and cry doesn't do any good. It's ok to pick her up and then just put her back on her tummy.

I hope she enjoys it more now. Annerson starting liking it around 4 months. Now she just rolls over or looks around like all proud.