Tuesday, February 24, 2009

15 weeks!

When are you supposed to stop counting weeks and say months? Grace is 3 1/2 months old, but I think I will count weeks for a long time. She is such a pumpkin, but we have had a hard few days with her. She usually sleeps through the night with one or two quick "wake-up-and-put-my-pacifier-back-in-my-mouth-or-I'm-going-to-flip-out" moments, but that is not the case this week. She has been up at least 7 or 8 times the last few nights and last night she was up every half hour. I finally nursed her about 3:45 (I can't remember the last time I fed her before 7 am) because I couldn't take it anymore. I thought that might put her back to sleep, but she was up at 4, 4:40, 4:45, 5, 5:30, etc... you get the point. So needless to say I am having a hard time staying awake this morning at work. I can't get motivated. Not to mention the fact that I opened the shop 10 minutes late because when I poured the juice into the blender for my smoothie, the bottom wasn't screwed on right and juice went all over the counter and floor. Good times. I just prayed for a "do-over" and asked God to give me the right frame of mind to enjoy and be fruitful the rest of the day. I hate those days when you are begging for them to be over by 10 am, so I have decided I am not going to have one! Here are a few updates on Grace:
-she smiles from ear to ear in the mornings when I get her out of the crib and change her diaper. Then she flaps her arms like a bird about to take flight. It is so cute!
-she is trying to "talk" and it is precious to listen to! She tried to talk in church Sunday and Dan had to take her outside because she was so loud. Usually after her 7 feeding, she is wide awake, ready to play, and full of cute sounds.
-tummy time is still pretty rough. We do a lot of pull-up/sit-ups and she hates to lay flat on her back. She strains her neck and tries to sit up whenever we lay her down. I'm sure every parent thinks so, but she seems extremely strong in the ab department for 3 months!
-she has a continuous stream of drool coming out of her mouth at all times and loves to blow bubbles. I have to admit, I hate drool, and I thought if it was my baby it wouldn't bother me as much, but I hate it. I keep a bib or burp cloth by her at all times.
Here are pics from the last two weeks.


Ryan and Jessica said...

I love the last picture. Wish we all could chill out like that.

Anonymous said...

i think she's starting to look more like her mommy! oh i miss you guys so much and wish we could see gracie!!! she's growing so fast. maybe you guys can plan a trip to east texas??!!!

Libby said...

She is just too precious! Love that she was too loud for church, she had a lot to say to God, huh?

Alisa Palmer said...

cute pics of course! i have to come see her soon!

unfortunately, I think a lot of parents count months until the poor kid is three. I'm like, really? your kid is 35 months old? Can I say that I'm 324 months old? JUST SAY SHE'S ALMOST 3!!!! Haha. I have built up aggression with this apparently.

Deena Girdner said...

She sure is precious!!!
Hope you guys are doing good!! Have a good weekend!