Sunday, March 20, 2011

A few random pictures with mommy

Is it me, or do other moms look up and realize they have no pictures with their children? I am always the one behind the camera, taking pictures of Grace or of her and her daddy. Dan has been good about snapping a few lately, reminding me that she will want pictures of her and mommy one day, too. So while six and seven month pregnant pictures aren't exactly my favorite, Grace, I want you to look back one day and realize your mother was very much in your life!!


Valencia's said...

YES! I have VERY few pictures with my kids becuase I am the one taking them. I love these. I really love the one of you two reading and you sitting on the floor. You both are beautiful.

Stefanie said...

I have the same problem with my kids. It wasn't until my son was almost a year old and I was making his birthday album that I realized among the hundreds of pictures with dad, there were probably about 20 total with me. Now that we have a new little one I try harder to tell my husband that I need to get out from behind the camera.

You and your daughter are beautiful! I love your eyes!