Sunday, October 11, 2009

11 months...sheesh

Eleven months old today. As in, one month away from twelve. And according to popular opinion, twelve months equals one year. Lord, make it slow down.
Time for the monthly update:
She is still cruising along everything, but no walking yet. She will stand on her own for a few seconds at a time and then realizes she isn't holding on to anything and immediately plops down.
For the last month she has been "dancing" and bouncing every time she hears music. It is absolutely adorable. We will say, "bounce, Gracie, bounce!" and she starts bouncing up and down.
She found the tupperware drawer a few weeks ago and I put her inside it for fun. And fun she had.

Yes, it's a cool whip bowl. But it's cool whip lite, mind you.
She started sleeping thru the night again after we left Cleveland last month (she was on hiatus from month 6-9) and it has been wonderful. I think we were laying her down too early- in Cleveland we wouldn't get her to sleep until 9:15-9:45 and she did wonderfully. We kept with that schedule once we got back and it has worked like a charm ever since. She is still taking two long naps a day and I consider myself a blessed mommy to have a few hours a day to get things done.
I realized I never updated on Grace's PDO. After day three, she really seemed to start enjoying it and her daily reports started saying things like, "she is such a happy girl!" and "wonderful day today! she loves to smile!" She is still on a bottle strike while she is there, and naps aren't really her thing, but she is happy and enjoys playing with the other babies, so I feel at ease. She has yet to cry when I drop her off, and we have even added Tuesdays so I can work a bit more. So our schedule right now is M-W until 2:30 at PDO and with Nana on Friday mornings. I have been struggling a bit with balance the last month, but that is another blog for another time.
She learned how to drink from a straw a few weeks ago and now thinks that anyone's straw wherever we go is hers.

She is babbling ma-ma, da-da, pa-pa, n's, b's and g's, but not much else. I work with her on other sounds but da-da is her go to word for everything.
She is eating more table food and loves it. She pretty much eats a modified version of what we eat, and I think she is going thru a growth spurt. My milk supply isn't keeping up with her, and she is still hungry nearly everytime I feed her. Weaning scares and excites me all at the same time, but again, another blog for another time.
She has such a funny little personality. She loves to make people laugh and does this scrunched up smile thing at nearly everyone (she is a hit everytime we go to the grocery store).

She also has a flair for the dramatic and her little spurts of tantrum are over as quickly as they begin. Hard to imagine, I'm sure...


Jennifer-Colley said...

Love the update!!! Can't wait till she is in class with Cam!!!

Alisa Palmer said...

one question: are you struggling with balance literally?

grace's eyes are amazing

she has so much hair

i can't believe it's been a year

Brigitte said...

What a beauty! Enjoy this last month of "baby-hood," although she'll always be your baby and that12 month thing is just a number!:) She is at such a fun, fun age. Wish I could have her over to play!

Mike and Emily said...

She is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!! From one working mom to the next, I understand the ups and downs of balance. Good to know i'm not the only one. =) Love,

Melissa said...

ok, so her smile is making her look like you! love it! i remember bawling the entire night before makenna turned one. it was just too sad for me! and yes, weaning is sad and exciting all at once...

TiffanyNorris said...

Goodness she's growing! I love it. Such a fun and exciting age. And no, I don't think its weird that you want to squeeze Maggie...I feel the same way when I see sweet Grace's pictures!

Amber Church said...

Get out of here! Still trying to see what I can do about getting out there for her birsday...(cake) but Steve keeps saying, "we'll go from there" and I get confused!